Thursday, April 19, 2012

Progress Report #3

It’s April already? Time is flying by, things are getting done, and my checklist is getting longer and longer. I just recently added something else to my wedding “toolbox”: a calendar. As I go on with this process, Irealize the importance that vendors have on due dates. Bridesmaid’s dress measurements due this date; Cake deposit due that date; Send out these by tomorrow. I may be good—but not that good. So, I needed a calendar that has all of these dates in one place. You know I’m OCD, right? With that said, maybe it’s not surprising for you to know thatI have a “calendar legend” on the front. This legend is color coded depending on what it’s associated with. For instance, things highlighted pink deal with bridesmaids business. Things in green mean that deposits are due. For those of you planning a wedding yourself, you’re welcome for the tip!

Like I promised, I am keeping you updated with this weddingprocess. Here are some of the things that have gotten checked of f the list! (And the infamous calendar.)

Being the (amateur) cake decorator myself, it is only expected that I have a nicely decorated cake. In fact, I do not care if the cake is coconut on the inside (yuck), as long as it’s pretty to the eye! I’m sure that most of you wouldn’t be surprised to know that I brought my own hand-drawing of the cake to the meeting with our baker. Micromanaging at its finest. My sketch had everything from each flower placement, to each piping design. Yeah… I take this stuff seriously. Maybe I get this from my mom. Although she is a simple person, her wedding cake was pretty darn legit. There were a total of 7 tiers, not one but two bridges joining it to the other realm of cake, a fountain that lit up, and a figurine of each member of the bridal party. So, as her daughter, I had to live up to this cake-epicness in some way. (Hence the sketched cake drawn to the tee.) I will leave my cake up to your imagination, but I can tell you that there are no bridges! But I cannot promise there won’t be a lit-up, twirling, music-playing, multi-colored fountain! (Well… maybe I can.) Enjoy the pictureof my mom’s (and dad’s) wedding cake.

Bridesmaids Dresses
Well, it is about time that I decide on their dresses. I have not been able to fully pick-out my colors for the wedding until I decided on the dresses. I have always known the color scheme that I would want, but not the specific colors. For instance, being Christmas and all, I thought that golds and reds would be pretty for a wedding. But how broad is that? There are 100 shades of gold and 101 shades of red. But finally, I picked a dress, and in turn, colors. I won’t tell you what the dresses look like exactly, but I can tell you that they are floor-length: Because it’s winter, and I don’t want white, ashy legs showing. No offense, girls. Anyway,since there is such a spectrum of color options for gold, I feel comfortable enough telling you that the color of the dresses is “Latte.” Now it’s up to you and your perception to decide on what exactly is “Latte.” Sounds yummy, ay? By the way, you might be surprised about how difficult it is to pick out a dress that fits 8 girls (literally).But I have the best friends ever because not one of them gave me a problem during this process. Yet again, this is another reason why I love my girls. (And a reason why they are in my party.)

Engagement Pictures
This was probably the single most event that I was looking forward to. Because I got to get my nails done, of course. But really… I was excited, maybe a little bit too excited, about this. As I said in a previous post, we took pictures on April 15 with Ashlee Culverhouse. Since we are not getting married in Athens, but it is still an important part in our lives, we decided to take our pictures on NorthCampus. (Which is hysterical because neither Seth nor I have classes up there.)Anyway, they were a lot of fun. And surprisingly, it wasn’t too awkward. Why would it be awkward you may ask? Well, as you all know, Seth and I are not Mr. and Ms. PDA. You will very rarely catch us holding hands, being lovey-dovey, kissy-kissy, or touching, for that matter. But I like it that way. In fact, it’s a little sickening seeing others act like this more than they should. (If you want more on my soapbox, just let me know.) Anyway… on to the real point of this post, taking pictures was so much fun. I had to make sure that the outfits were perfect. Both of ours. Ashlee did a fabulous job. There are some “sneak peaks” already on Facebook, but I will be sure to post more pictures as soon as I get them. All Iwill say right now is that a chalkboard, Coca-Cola, and cheetah print shoes were all involved in the making of these pictures. For now, enjoy a picture as teaser: