Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The 50 Yard Line

There comes a point in most girls' lives when they envision a man, kneeling in front of them, with a beautiful diamond just waiting to be worn. For some, this day comes a couple of months or years after a first date with "the one." For others, it doesn't occur until 6 years down the road. Well, I happen to fall into the latter-- the 6 years+ category. But looking back, I'm glad it wasn't a day sooner (or a day later)! I earnestly believe that the long dating years Seth and I had, will do nothing but strengthen our marriage and life together. But before I get to the life planning part of marriage, I guess people are interested in the juicy details of the proposal.

Here goes...

On Sunday, January 29, Seth and I were having a seemingly normal day in Athens. I met him earlier in the morning and went to church. The service was focused on the importance of remaining in a constant state of prayer. How appropriate, considering the life changing decisions that were on the horizon. Anyway, for lunch, the two of us went and grabbed a hearty, healthy, and delicious meal at none other than, Zaxby's. Normal. Predictable. Shortly after lunch, I met up with my good friend, Rachel, to accompany her to the Georgia Bridal Show at the Classic Center.

Foreshadowing at its best.

Being a normal, hopeless romantic, I dove in head first at the bridal show. I went in wide-eyed and overwhelmed at all of the options, ideas, decorations, cakes, flowers, dresses, and invitations that were on display. But of course, this trip wasn't for me. Not yet anyway. After walking around to the different vendors and taste-testing several different kinds of cake, we left the Classic Center and headed back home. Little did I know, I would never make it back to my apartment with the title of "girlfriend" that I have become accustom to. On the way "back home," Rachel made the decision to take her mom by Menchies to get some frozen yogurt. To quote my dear friend, "Elizabeth, do you mind? It will only take a second." Well of course I would never object to frozen yogurt, so I agreed. As we were "missing our turn" and "turning around in Chick-Fil-A's parking lot," I saw Seth's sister, Lindsay, getting out of her car and heading our way.

If you are confused with what's happening, welcome to my world.

Sweet little Lindsay told this (false) story about how her sorority was doing this challenge to do something special for someone who has had a rough week. And trust me, after a week like mine, I was a great candidate for this "challenge." After being blindfolded by her scarf, I was taken on a 10 minute drive to an unknown place. Once parked, I was carefully led across a long stretch of asphalt; then onto some grass, thinking I was now in a field of some sort. Little did I know, I was: a football field. I was then instructed by Lindsay to "turn this way" or "no that way" and "just a little bit more." She left my side only to have my blindfold removed by Seth. As if I didn't need a bigger hint, I was 99% sure I knew what was going to be happening in the next few minutes.

What better place to open your eyes than in Sanford Stadium.

Yep. It was Seth and me standing on the 50 yard line, between the hedges. He told this sweet story about why this place was special to the two of us. To be honest, I was so surprised, that I'm not sure I remember what exactly was said. But regardless, this led him to the decision that it was an appropriate place to ask "Will you marry me?" If you are reading this, then you know that my answer was a resounding, yes. I only got a few minutes to soak in my new Tacori solitaire surrounded by a weave-like design of smaller diamonds that all came together to form my perfect ring. I was soon whisked away to UGA's Georgia Center where my family and friends were waiting to offer their congratulations. It was so special to have people there to celebrate (and talk me through) what just happened. We all enjoyed some food and Seth's and my favorite, Coke in a glass bottle. It was such a special day, that it will take a lot to top it. Even a wedding-- but I am up for the challenge!

He did good. 6 years was well worth the wait!


  1. I might be a total creeper so please forgive me if I am but Elizabeth.. you and Seth are so wonderful!!! This story made me smile so many times. I know how you feel because I also dated my boyfriend 6 years before we were engaged... but it was so worth the wait! I wish you and Seth the best and so much happiness! Congratulations again!!!

  2. This is one of the best proposals ever! I wish you guys all the best and may the love last for eternity. These proposal pictures will truly make a long and lasting memory. I do hope you preserve them.
    - Isabelle Galindo
