I would like everyone to take note of the sweet fiance (still sounding strange) that I have. He was willing to write a little bio about each of his groomsmen. So, the next time that you see him, please give him a big hug of gratitude. However, I will go ahead and say that I am not responsible for what is said below! But I do think the world of each of these "men." I consider them to be friends/family of my own, and I am thrilled beyond measure to have them beside US on December 15th. Now, I turn my blog over to Seth.... temporarily.
Seth: When Elizabeth asked me to write a bio of all of my groomsmen, surprisingly, I was excited. Each one of these guys mean the world to me, so it was easy to say something nice about them. Like Liz said, picking the wedding party has been very challenging. I wish I could have ten more guys, but we need an audience at the wedding too!
Jesse Peavy
I could not imagine anybody being my Best Man other than my dad. My dad is a caring man whodefinitely has a heart for kids. He is constantly playing with children and attempting to mimic Donald Duck. I have learned everything I know about hunting from my dad. We have spent countless hours in the woods chasing down whitetaildeer, in a peanut field trying to reach our limit of doves, or listening for a longbeard’s gobble in planted pines. I have learned much more than justmeaningless hunting tactics from my dad though. He is always willing to help methrough my difficult times in life. I am so thankful and extremely blessed tohave my dad stand at the altar with me in December.
I don’t evenknow where to begin with Paul! Paul crossed the Ocmulgee River to live inCochran when we were 11 years old. He just happened to move right down the road from me. From that time on, I was so excited to wake up on Saturday mornings toride my bike to the Turner’s house. Paul and I played many football games andshot many bottle rockets off in his yard. Paul has proved to be a great friendwho I can always call if I need someone to talk to. Paul currently lives inAthens and is attending Gainesville State College in Watkinsville, Ga.
Stephen Tyus
Friend orFamily? Well… it’s complicated. Come December 15th he will be both. Stephen is a 4th year Agricultural Engineering student, just like me, so Ihave to spend a lot of time with him. Although I knew Stephen before his comingto UGA, it has been a blessing to get to become friends with him. Everyone whomeets Stephen knows that he is a joy to be around. I talk to him nearly everyday on the phone with topics ranging from Steel Building Design to in depththeology. Stephen will graduate from UGA in December 2012.
Tyler Allen
My motheralways worried when I went to the Allen’s house as a youngster. From ridinganything with a motor to catching mediocre largemouth bass, I have done it allwith Tyler. For some reason, every time that I have broken a bone, Tyler hasbeen present. We met at age 5 at FBC ofCochran’s playschool and have been great friends ever since. I know that I canalways count on Tyler to have my back through the thick and thin. Tyler and Ihave been roommates for the past two years. Tyler is currently a senior at UGAstudying Forestry. He will graduate in May 2012.
Clay Oliver
When I got thecall to come to the principal’s office in 6th grade, I could notimagine what I had done wrong. I never thought that a tall skinny boy would besitting awaiting my arrival. That is the day that I made a great new friendnamed Clay Oliver. When my family moved to the country, I soon learned everyinch of the dirt roads between mine and Clay’s house. I always loved going toClay’s house because only God knew what the boys were going to do. Fromshooting a goose with my Ruger 10/22, to being head to toe covered in mud, Ihave enjoyed all my time with Clay. He is a great friend that I know I can callif I ever need a bowl off of the top shelf. Clay and I have been roommates inAthens for the past two years. Clay is studying Biological Science and willgraduate in May 2012.
As one canguess by the last name, Philip is a cousin of mine. Although he is a yearyounger than me, I have known him practically my whole life. Literally. I sawPhilip at the occasional family events, but I also got more opportunities tohang out with him when we both came to UGA. Philip knows almost everyone on campusand never meets a stranger. He seems to be involved in 20 different things atonce and is very busy! After much contemplation, he decided to major in MiddleGrades Education and will graduate next May. It’s good to have another Peavywith me on December 15.
Jim Loughridge
I met Jim whenhe signed up for my small group Bible study last year. I knew that Jim would bea trustworthy friend from the beginning. Gemini (Jim and I) have served as CAESAmbassadors together, and has fit right in with the “boys of Cochran.” In fact,he has lived with us this past year, and we have gotten into more mischief thatever! From building/shooting a 9 foot potato gun, to camping in sub-freezingtemperatures, Jim is a lot of fun to be around. I am very blessed to have gottento know Jim and look forward to him being with me in December. He is from Chatsworth,GA and attends UGA, double majoring in Agribusiness and Poultry Science.
Blake Duck
Blake and I arevery, very, very, much alike. I met Blake just a year ago in one of my classes,but I feel like I have known him 10. Blake is an Agricultural Engineeringstudent just like Stephen and me. According to one of our professors, we are“The Three Stooges”. I have spent many hours with Blake in DriftmierEngineering Center, but our friendship is not confined to Driftmier. I eatlunch with Blake more than I do with Elizabeth and have even shot a few duckswith him by his home in Jackson County. Blake is a great friend that I amblessed to have standing beside me in December. Blake will graduate from UGAin December 2012.
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